What we do

Results you can Trust

At ALFATESTlab we are experts in particles and materials characterization. Our specialists benefit from a 30 years’ experience in physical characterization techniques for powders and liquid dispersions. Our team also includes experts in biomolecules characterization.

We are GMP certified by AIFA (Italian Medicines Agency) and ISO 17025 by ACCREDIA.

 Whatever your industry, our in-depth knowledge of the analytical techniques and our wide experience on any kind of material allow us to understand your analytical needs, retrieve the answers you are seeking for and deliver results you can trust.

ALFATESTlab offers contract analytical services based on a unique set of analytical techniques, complementary to each other, both for materials science and biosciences:

  • Particle size for powders, liquids and sprays
  • Particle shape & transparency (MDRS)
  • Surface area BET (multipoint and single point)
  • XRD, XRF
  • Porosity (micro, meso and macro)
  • Density (real, bulk and apparent)
  • Moisture (and any other liquid) sorption properties (DVS)
  • Powder rheology
  • Viscosity & Rheology of liquids and pastes
  • Thermal analysis DSC and TGA
  • Surface tension and Contact angle
  • SEM high resolution images & elemental analysis (EDX)
  • Stability & Shelf life studies – Cloud point
  • Particle size reduction
  • Nanosystems characterization: size Zav, Zeta potential, concentration
  • Molecular weight
  • Biomolecules size & aggregation
  • Extracellular vesicles EVs: size, count, concentration, phenotype, cargo, etc.
  • Cell rupture
  • Label-free Biomolecular interactions (without purification)
  • Confocal microscopy

Contract analytical services

Specialized in material science and biosciences

What we can do for you

ALFATESTlab mission is to provide expertise on both analytical techniques and applications to offer our customers a complete peace of mind on the accuracy and reliability of their characterization processes. 

Our laboratory in Cernusco Sul Naviglio near Milan (Italy) is equipped with the latest equipment, state-of-the-art instrumentation.

The scientific and technical support is optimized whether our customer refers to ALFATESTlab for a single analysis, long-term analysis contract, method development or quality control cGMP analysis. Thanks to the in-depth knowledge of a wide range of materials, industries and analytical techniques, ALFATESTlab can offer analysis, develop and validate analytical methods according to specific customer needs and support customers in the verification and transfer of analytical methods for the following industries:

Analytical method development, validation, transfer

Our team is available for the development of accurate and robust analytical methods for the characterization of any type of material.

The development of the analytical method is conducted according to the guidelines and regulatory reference requirements. The experimental design is first shared with the customer in order to meet his requirements as well as specific corporate quality requirements. At the end of the project our laboratory will issue a report including results of all the tests and analysis performed and the complete description of the optimized analytical method.

Our team can also support our customers in the validation of analytical methods. Validation can be performed on a method developed by our laboratory,  by the client himself or on a transferred method. Our services include the development of a validation protocol based on specific quality requirements, the execution of the tests and the issuing of a complete validation report together with the validated method.


The transfer of a method, to ensure consistent results between laboratories, requires a transfer project with the definition of transfer tests and acceptance criteria. Our experts can guide our customers in the choice and execution of the most appropriate strategy for an efficient transfer of the analytical methods.

Ask our experts

Contact us now and talk to our experts. Together we will find the analytical solution that best suits your needs.


ALFATESTLab stands out from any other contract analysis lab…. Why?

Alfatestlab was founded in 2014 as a center of excellence for Alfatest, a company specialized since 30 years in scientific instrumentation and Italian distributor of leading brands such as Malvern Panalytical, to provide its customers with high level technical and application support in all industries.

ALFATESTLab is now an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory that provides analysis services worldwide.

Our in-depth knowledge of analytical techniques and our extensive experience with all types of materials allow us to understand your analytical needs and provide the answers that you are seeking for through results you can trust. Our experts are available for single analysis as for analytical method development, method validation and method transfer, research contracts, industrial trouble-shooting, advanced training or workshops on analytical techniques present in our laboratory.


ALFATESTlab is accredited according to the UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 17025 standard by ACCREDIA,
member of the Mutual Recognition Agreements EA, IAF and ILAC.

The international standard UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 17025 defines the requirements that a laboratory must satisfy to demonstrate the technical competence of its staff and the availability of all technical resources, such as to guarantee accurate and reliable results for specific tests or analysis.
The accredited laboratories are therefore able to offer the market guarantees on the reliability of their management and test methods. The reliability of test methods should not be intended as certified test results.

ISO / IEC 17025 requires the management system to comply with the principles of the ISO 9001 standard, further satisfying the technical requirements necessary to offer technically valid methods of specific tests.

Alfatestlab regularly participates to proficiency testing / interlaboratory circuits organized by recognized international organizations (for instance BAM) in order to verify and guarantee the reliability of its analytical results.

Access the list of accredited tests by clicking here

View the accreditation certificate

ALFATESTlab is GMP certified by AIFA, the Italian Medecines Agency, Authorization numner N° aM – 74/2024 dated 21/05/2024.

View the certificate, by clicking here