Is my powder sample considered a Nanomaterial?
Based on recommended definition of nanomaterials adopted by the European Commission in 2022 [1], Alfatestlab can provide reliable characterization of your powdered sample, allowing you to answer the question: is […]
Moisturizers: how to evaluate the texture of your formulation?
The personal care industry is plenty of different types of creams and lotions suitable for all kind of skins, characterized by various texture, fluidity, and level of absorption on the […]
Alfatestlab services for Home & Personal Care industry
Alfatestlab is equipped with a full range of scientific instruments to analyse and optimize cosmetic formulations, in powder or liquid form, creams, gels, suspensions containing un-dissolved solids, emulsions, etc. for […]
Characterization of Microplastics
Microplastics are defined as pieces of plastic that are less than 5mm in size. They can be released directly from the production or use of consumer products (primary microplastics), or […]