
Cell rupture

In AlfatestLab we use Microfluidizer technology for effective cell lysis on any type of cells:  bacterial, mammalian, plant, insect, fungi, algae and yeast cells – while ensuring a high protein recovery. Microfluidizer® technology breaks cells with high efficiency while maintaining intracellular contents integrity and allow for easiest downstream purification.

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Biomolecular interactions

AlfatestLab uses 2 extremely versatile analytical techniques, ITC microcalorimetry and BioLayer Interferometry (BLI), to study interactions without molecular weight limits, in native conditions, label-free and in real time, in the mM-nM field.

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EVs characterization

Alfatestlab is equipped with the latest technology platform to provide rapid, reliable and accurate characterization of EVs and exosomes following MISEV 2018 guidelines1. Based on NTA and Exoview analysis, our services for EVs and exosomes offers multidimensional data sets enabling an advanced understanding of complex EV populations.

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